
For further information about The Great Badminton Church Restoration Fund and to make donations, please contact us using the below telephone number or via the contact form.


The Great Badminton Church Restoration Fund
c/o The Estate Office
South Gloucestershire

Access to St. Michael and All Angels, Great Badminton

The church is open whenever there is an advertised service through the Badminton Benefice's website and also at any time by appointment.

The church is also visited during all tours of Badminton House and sees some 500 visitors each year from these tours alone. Additionally, the church is open on all Garden Opening days where upto 1,000 a day visit the church. To arrange a visit to Great Badminton, please contact Mrs Sheilah Michael at or 01454 218648.

Gift Aid

If you are making a donation, please consider completing a Gift Aid form, which you can download here. This will enable us to reclaim an extra 25p for every pound you donate from HMRC. The completed Gift Aid form can either be posted to the above address or be scanned and e-mailed to the above e-mail address.